We are at the most risk when we’re the most certain.
It Ain’t Natur’l

I’m constantly amazed by the persistent belief that humans are not part of the world around us and that we can step out of it at any time we choose. Continue reading
Things I’m learning about. Concepts I’m developing. Quotes I like. Debates I’m engaging in. Run away before it’s too late…
I’m constantly amazed by the persistent belief that humans are not part of the world around us and that we can step out of it at any time we choose. Continue reading
We are at the most risk when we’re the most certain.
Note to self (sort of obvious). In system design time is an assumption it’s not feedback. The proof of this is trivial. No matter what your system does or even if it exists, time marches on. Time doesn’t depend on your system in any way. For example, if I design … Continue reading
My friend Ian’s reflections on 2014. Continue reading
My friend Ted pointed me at David Foster Wallace. I haven’t read any of his work yet other than the commencement address to Kenyon College from which the following two quotations are taken. Continue reading
I’ve been toying with the notion that business, for certain, and possibly life in general is all about asset transformation. Basically, taking one or more assets and transforming them into other assets. We transform our skills and time into money by means of a job. We transform our charm and … Continue reading
A friend recently posted an article on Facebook regarding the rape allegations against Bill Cosby. There are enough women who’ve come forward that are saying they were assaulted by him to make it look like more than just someone taking advantage of a celebrity. If these things are true then … Continue reading
My life has been opportunistic, to put it positively. Haphazard to be less generous. Continue reading
I’ve been fascinated by the topic of influence and decision making for most of my life. It began to form some sort of cohesive structure when I first read Isaac Asimov’s Foundation Trilogy as a teenager. It was also heavily influenced by pondering the religious beliefs of my relatives and … Continue reading
I considered this talk to be the gem of OSCON 2014 (O’Reilly Open Source Conference). I think his insights into backwards causality (67% of all successful generals bombard hills) and crossing value chains with market maturity are brilliant. Here’s Simon’s OSCON 2014 keynote … Simon Wardley OSCON 2014 Keynote: "Introduction … Continue reading