CHON: Experimental validation of an old idea

The CHON Vat. Continue reading
Posts related to the process of systems thinking.
The CHON Vat. Continue reading
What if we learned division first? Continue reading
I’ve pondering the following sketch today… The boxes are nouns, the lines are verbs. There are three feedback loops. The “natural systems” loop is the only one that would exist if there were no sentient beings capable of affecting the universe. Decisions anchor the role of rational and sentient beings … Continue reading
All technologies are nothing more than applying energy to rearrange atoms and/or bits[1. Whether or not it’s actually atoms or bits in the end is a deeper more interesting question. It’s really about substance and pattern.] within a system of constraints. Engineering is the discipline of understanding and applying those … Continue reading
On August 25-27, 2015 I attended the SFI short course on complexity in social systems and economics. Continue reading
A system is considered to be intelligent if it more or less reliably produces a desirable outcome from a range of unexpected circumstances. A system is considered to be a machine if it more or less reliably produces a desirable outcome from a range of anticipated circumstances. Continue reading
Note to self (sort of obvious). In system design time is an assumption it’s not feedback. The proof of this is trivial. No matter what your system does or even if it exists, time marches on. Time doesn’t depend on your system in any way. For example, if I design … Continue reading
I’ve been toying with the notion that business, for certain, and possibly life in general is all about asset transformation. Basically, taking one or more assets and transforming them into other assets. We transform our skills and time into money by means of a job. We transform our charm and … Continue reading
The Eco Home Comfort guy came this afternoon and looked things over. It was wired perfectly. Continue reading
Last Thanksgiving I purchased and installed a super-whizzy Nest Learning Thermostat. I just knew my life was going to be better. Continue reading