2015.05.02 Edition of The World of Lonnie Mandigo

It’s hard to explain puns to kleptomaniacs because they always take things literally.

50 People On ‘The Most Intellectual Joke I Know’

I’m trying something a bit different. Rather than publishing top-of-mind brain farts, I’m going to move to what I’m calling a “magazine format”. Basically, I’ll bunch up a collection of posts and publish them on a specific editorial cycle. Each edition may or may not contain regular sections, such as a collection of photos. I’ll also try to include a table of contents with a few editorial comments to go with it.

I’m shooting for each edition to be released at 6:00am Pacific Time on Saturdays. I don’t know yet if it will be weekly, biweekly or monthly. We’ll see how much content I can produce.

Here’s what’s in this edition…

Eastern Oregon Scenery 10 Photos – These are some shots from a recent bird watching trip to Eastern Oregon. I captured over 900 images on that trip so expect to see more in later editions. These are from the trip to Burns, Oregon.
General Business Structure General Business Structure – This is part of my continuing ponder on the nature and structure of a business. It does a better job, in my opinion, of accounting for business intelligence and the role of strategy.
IoT Conceptual Framework Speaking of the Internet of Things – My conceptual framework for thinking and talking about the pieces and parts of a network of things.
Surprising solar projection by respectable organisation Surprising solar projection by respectable organisation – Ian’s observations on a report from the Fraunhofer Institute.
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